Weiss Hosts Kidney Screening Event

Post time: 8:37 am

At Weiss, we want to continue to display dedication to our community members and provide increased awareness of the risks associated with untreated high blood pressure and diabetes.

Weiss recently partnered with the National Kidney Foundation to provide kidney screenings, education, and resources for our community residents.

A quick overview shared 60.0% of people tested in the abnormal range for one or two tests. These results show once again how important the KidneyMobile® program is to the Illinois communities served.

Thanks to our friends at Associates in Nephrology (AIN) and the Malcolm X Medical Assistant students who provided screenings, blood draws, education, and the medical team to provide consults.

Weiss at the 48th Ward Older Person Resource Fair

Post time: 8:36 am

The 48th Ward recently held its Older Person Resource Fair, and Nellie Bell, PT and Virginille Palella, RN (pictured with Resilience Healthcare’s Judi Jordan and 48th Ward Alderwoman Leni Manaa-Hoppenworth) were on hand to represent Weiss by providing complimentary blood glucose and blood pressure screenings and responding to healthcare questions from community members!

Resilience Healthcare Is Represented at Warren Park School’s Career Day Event

Post time: 8:31 am

Melissa Maldonado (pictured on the left), a Phlebotomist at West Suburban Medical Center, and Rachel Rodriguez (pictured on the right), a Pathology Assistant at Weiss Memorial Hospital, had the privilege of speaking at a Warren Park school for a recent career day event.

Melissa presented first, explaining how Phlebotomists are specially trained to collect blood samples from patients by venipuncture. She described the importance of having steady hands, a calm demeanor, and sharp attention to detail in her job. The students were fascinated and asked thoughtful questions about everything from how many tubes are drawn per patient to what happens after the samples get to the lab.

Next, Rachel discussed her role as a Pathology Assistant. She explained how she assists Pathologists by preparing surgical specimens and capturing images. The students were grossed-out yet intrigued as she showed examples of fake organs and described how she meticulously examines tissue samples under the microscope to diagnose disease. She made sure to emphasize the great responsibility that comes with this job and the years of education required.

By the end, the students had much more insight into professions in healthcare. Melissa and Rachel were grateful to have inspired the next generation through this impactful career day.